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Explore a selection of my publically available work.

Alberta un-Official Statistics

January 2019
D3.jsReactjavascriptdata visualizationGatsbyJSmobile accessibleresponsive

Interactive, mobile accessible data visualizations that reimagine the Government of Alberta’s Office of Statistics and Information’s Alberta Official Statistics publications.


October 2018
javascriptacademic writingmarkdownCLI

schol is an open source command line tool that makes it easy to write academic documents in Markdown and automatically manage and format citations.

Created as a proof-of-concept prototype as part of a self-directed study course in my M.Sc. program. Implemented in javascript.

ab-GPAC Funding Review

February 2017
advocacyleadershippost-secondary education policywriting

I led Alberta’s graduate student advocacy efforts to the Government of Alberta’s review of its post-secondary funding model. This document comprised part of that effort.

As part of this effort I coordinated the participation of student leaders from Alberta’s universities and advocated on behalf of students to government officials.

ab-GPAC Tuition Review

December 2016
advocacyleadershippost-secondary education policywriting

I led Alberta’s graduate student advocacy efforts to the Government of Alberta’s review of its tuition regulations. This document comprised part of that effort.

As part of this effort I designed and executed a survey of all of Alberta’s graduate students, coordinated the participation of student leaders from Alberta’s universities, and advocated on behalf of students to government officials.

This work culminated in introduction of Bill 19 - An Act to Improve the Affordability and Accessibility of Post-Secondary Education.

Blood Alcohol Level Calculator

February 2012
AngularJSBootstrapjavascriptmobile accessibleresponsive

A mobile accessible calculator that estimates your blood alcohol level.